大学理事会College Board举办的Advanced Placement课程(AP)是一项获得国际认可,在全球范围内广泛提供的课程和考试。全球的高中在由AP授权后可以选择开设大学程度的AP课程并参加每年一次的全球统一考试。在2023-24学年,College Board将与Prometric合作管理AP考试的整体注册和管理。 College Board将直接通知中国有AP授权的学校有关AP考试注册的信息。
The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) is an internationally recognized program and assessment offered widely around the world. It consists of college-level courses that AP-authorized high schools can choose to offer, and corresponding exams that are administered once a year. For the 2023-24 school year, the College Board will partner with Prometric to manage overall AP Exam registration and administration in China. AP-authorized schools in China will be notified directly by the College Board regarding AP Exam registration.
2024年08月 | AP管理员2024-25学年AP系统设置指导手册下载
Zoom Recording: 2024-25 APRO Setup Tutorial For China
Note: The recording is in Chinese, with a PowerPoint presentation in English.
2024年03月29日 | 如何成为AP授权学校?